Business Data

Real-Time Business Data, Direct from Source

Unlock precision, our Business product offers a comprehensive index encompassing over 16 million unique company numbers. Every data point we source is directly linked to these company numbers, allowing you to easily retrieve the information you need when you need it.


Companies. Regulators. Contracts.

All data is centrally indexed, enabling deeper insights & easier joining

Company Numbers
Courts & Regulators
Public Contracts

Real-World Applications


Market Analysis and Competitor Benchmarking

Our data provides insights into market trends, financial performance, and industry positioning. This allows organisations to assess their competitive landscape, identify growth opportunities, and benchmark themselves against competitors.


Strategic Decision-Making

By analysing trends, growth rates, and business activities of companies within your industry, you can make more informed strategic decisions, such as identifying new markets, investment opportunities, or potential mergers and acquisitions.


Regulatory Compliance and Reporting

Organisations need to adhere to various legal and regulatory standards. Our company data ensures you meet compliance requirements, providing transparency and accurate reporting for audits or regulatory submissions.


Pipeline Acceleration

Save your analysts and data engineers time and resources by using our data ingestion service. We allow you to link data directly through company numbers, ensuring you always have the most up-to-date version of the information with full confidence.

Putting our Data to Work

Customer Augmentation

Targeted Marketing






Our in-house analysts have developed targeted data views tailored to meet specific needs. Leveraging our Business Data, these views deliver select insights quickly and effortlessly.


BizX combines a range of variables and derived values centred on registered companies, integrating filings from Companies House and regulatory notices, including fines and prosecution alerts. This comprehensive data set includes:

  • Company profile & shares
  • Directors (including disqualifications)
  • Employment tribunal indicators
  • Health & Safety, ICO, Environmental records
  • Licenses held
  • Government contracts
  • Import & export indicators
  • Accounts, charges, company status
Companies House

All data from Companies House (CH), available from our platform, including data not visible on the CH web site or which is only available one record-at-a-time. Data includes, but is not limited to:

  • Company profile & shares
  • Company name history
  • Directors (inc. disqualifications)
  • Details from accounts
  • Share structure & class
  • Charges
  • Events, e.g. strike off
  • All other filings
Government Tender

Over 230,000 current and historical public-sector tenders and contracts, with winning company names identified by Doorda patent-pending matching technology to the associated company numbers. This improvement of the original data through the reliable linking of error-prone, handtyped company names to company numbers is unique to Doorda. The data includes the status of each tender/contract and a log of events and changes during the tender process, plus:

  • Tender Identifier & status
  • Tender title & description
  • Tender value & currency
  • Tender start & end dates
  • Contract start & end dates
  • Buyer details
  • Winning supplier details
Government Spend

Information about invoices paid by 1,500 local authorities and national public bodies, including central government. Encompassing over 100 million invoices with a cumulative value exceeding £6 trillion, these payments were made to 240,000 suppliers. This data includes all general expenditure that exceeds £500 and Government Procurement Card (GPC) transactions, specifically:

  • Value & date of the invoice
  • Transaction reference & date
  • The paying organisation
  • Authorising service
  • Recipient details
  • Date & category of payment