Lower Super Output Areas LSOA

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What is a Lower Super Output Area (LSOA)?

A Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) is a small geographical unit created for statistical purposes, primarily for the Census. It is designed to provide consistent and comparable data across the country, making it a valuable tool for analysing social, economic, and demographic information.

Key Features of LSOAs
  • Purpose:
    Originally developed for Census data, LSOAs have become a standard geographical level for numerous government datasets. They allow for detailed comparisons of locations across the country.
  • Geographical Levels:
    • Lowest Level: Output Areas (OAs).
    • Second Level: Lower Super Output Areas (LSOAs).
    • Higher Level: Middle Super Output Areas (MSOAs), which group multiple LSOAs for broader analysis.
  • Size and Structure:
    • Minimum Size: 400 households and 1,000 residents.
    • Number of LSOAs:
      • England: 32,844
      • Wales: 1,909
    • LSOAs align with Local Authority District (LAD) boundaries and national borders, such as between Scotland and England.
Applications of LSOAs
  • Census and Demographic Data: LSOAs are a primary unit for publishing Census statistics, enabling detailed local analysis.
  • Government Datasets: Many datasets, such as indices of deprivation and health outcomes, are released at the LSOA level, supporting evidence-based policy decisions.
  • Comparative Analysis: Their standard size and structure make LSOAs ideal for comparing areas across the country, identifying disparities, and allocating resources.
Latest Updates and Legislation

The 2021 Census data release has updated LSOA boundaries and population statistics to reflect demographic changes. In addition, the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 has highlighted the use of LSOAs in identifying regional disparities and targeting investment to deprived areas.

Useful Links

For more detailed insights into local area data, explore our Geodemographics data product which provides extensive information linked to postcodes.

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