Sagacity improves targeting by up to 20%

“Doorda has become a trusted data partner and we think there’s a lot more we can do together”

Scott Logie
Customer Engagement Director, Sagacity (Formerly REaD Group)
Sagacity (formerly REaD Group) improves marketing responses on several UK campaigns by 10% – 20% with analytics-ready data from Doorda.

Many companies wishing to segment and target potential customers are discouraged by the challenges of obtaining and analysing appropriate, trustworthy data. REaD Group allows companies to bypass these challenges by providing data, services, insight and advice.

REaD do much data acquisition themselves, but the priority for their Data Team is providing customers with innovative, ready-to-use data and insights, so they also have several carefully chosen data partners, specialists who find and prepare data. This keeps them ahead in the market and allows their customers to benefit as early as possible from the ever-expanding data landscape. With this in mind, Scott Logie, Customer Engagement Director, is constantly on the look-out for new data to innovate and augment the REaD Group offering.

There are many data suppliers in the UK market, with varying levels of data coverage, freshness and quality. Scott was hooked by the Doorda enthusiasm for data. “I was introduced to Doorda by a trusted partner. We know how challenging it is to keep supplying reliable, up-to-date data, so when I heard the Doorda CEO talking so passionately and knowledgeably about data, I had to investigate”.

Scott and the Data Team immediately noticed that Doorda had some interesting data they hadn’t seen before.

Data acquisition is a regular activity for REaD, so they have a team of five people using well-honed procedures for choosing, evaluating and managing data suppliers. The REaD Data Team carried out a desktop evaluation, examining the source, the GDPR status, the data provisioning process and the refresh process.

During this evaluation, Doorda provided REaD with detailed metrics and demonstrated acute knowledge of the data. REaD then continued with sample socio-economic data, comparing some Doorda data with other trusted sources and building a prototype application.
The Doorda data proved to be high quality and trustworthy.

Although they were keen to use the data, some in the Data Team were not looking forward to integrating yet another set of unconnected data files, however they were reassured to discover that Doorda data is already harmonised and linked, making it easy to integrate and automate.

By incorporating Doorda data, within a few weeks REaD improved the response rates for several customer marketing campaigns by 10 to 20 percent.

According to Scott Logie, “Doorda has become a trusted data partner and we think there’s a lot more we can do together”. REaD* are now studying the use of other Doorda data as well as two under-development Doorda innovations focused on residential and commercial UK addresses.

Clifford McDowell, CEO of Doorda, is delighted that Doorda data is contributing to the success of these marketing campaigns, adding, “It’s great to be working with people who get as excited about data as we do!


*  REaD Group has been acquired by data solutions company Sagacity Solutions