Accelerate customer analytics projects

“The acceleration in time to value for CARTO customers is a clear win-win.”

Luis Sanz
Doorda augments CARTO’s location intelligence capabilities with unique, curated data, helping companies such as ASDA to expand services and improve targeting.

Discovering, acquiring and preparing data is a common headache for Business Intelligence and Data Science projects, even in large companies, further compounded by worries about potential GDPR issues from multiple data suppliers. To help customers reduce such delays during their data-driven initiatives, leading location intelligence vendor CARTO provides access to a curated offer of more than 10,000 geospatial datasets from vetted public and premium sources via standardised formats and interfaces available on their platform.

When prospects and customers repeatedly asked the team at CARTO for help in evaluating and acquiring geospatial data for their projects, the delays due to that process clearly showed there was a lot of value in offering customers easy and immediate access to ready-to-use data products.

In order to underpin the successes and accelerate the growth of customers in the UK, the CARTO team looked for a local data provider that could offer high quality, rich data products in the categories of socio-demographics, socio-economics and housing. A senior salesperson in the team soon introduced Colin Magee, CRO of Doorda, a company proposing a vast selection of GDPR-free business data continually harvested from official UK sources.

“Doorda has a vast array of detailed data which is easy for us to integrate into our data platform.”

Luis Sanz, CEO, CARTO

To validate the quality of the data, the Data Partnerships team at CARTO examined the Doorda catalogue, looking at coverage and origin, and tested some sample data. They then constructed and assessed some analytic maps using Doorda data. Once the Compliance team had confirmed that all the Doorda data was GDPR-free, Doorda data products were included in the new CARTO Data Observatory.

Luis Sanz, CEO of CARTO said, “Doorda has a vast array of detailed data which is easy for us to integrate into our data platform. When we offer our customers access not only to technology but also to 3rd party datasets our relevance, engagement and stickiness with that client increases considerably.”

Agreeing on licensing terms appropriate to CARTO is challenging with some data suppliers, however, Alejandra Aranzadi, Data Partnerships Lead, praised Doorda’s flexibility. Aranzadi noted, “currently, most CARTO deals include data, proving the value of simplifying its discoverability and accessibility in very close proximity to the analytics platform where it is used”.

“The acceleration in time to value for CARTO customers is a clear win-win.”

Luis Sanz, CEO, CARTO

Some of CARTO’s UK customers are already seeing clear advantages licensing Doorda data – reliable, ready-to-use data from a single supplier, and all GDPR considerations covered. Retail giant ASDA is among the companies to leverage Doorda data in CARTO to expand its “toyou” parcel services. ASDA uses location data and insights to understand the key drivers for site selections of new click-and-collect locations, as well as to better target important demographic and socioeconomic segments.

Luis Sanz added, “It’s great working with Doorda, they are so knowledgeable about the data. The acceleration in time to value for CARTO customers is a clear win-win.”

Clifford McDowell, CEO at Doorda said, “We offer specific data licensing for partners such as CARTO, and we are delighted to be helping accelerate the analytics projects of customers like ASDA”.