Commercial Occupants

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Commercial Occupants

Our commercial and Non-Domestic occupant data provides the name of the company or organisation paying business rates to a local authority at an address level. The data includes charities and local community groups such as the scouts but excludes Individuals for GDPR purposes.

This data will list the name of the occupant and in most cases, the date their liability started. Details on the property internals (i.e. size and use) and the rateable value can be referenced in the Business Rates datasets.

Unlike other data sources which focus on the name over the door the commercial and Non-Domestic occupant data shows the name of the organisation or registered company paying the rates. Doorda will match company names to the company number allowing a user to view all the locations occupied regardless of the name over the door.

This is especially useful when trying to link a company to a location or when trying to ascertain how many units an organisation operates from. E.g. There 100s of McDonald’s but most of these are operated by franchisees, the data will allow you to see who the franchisee is.

The commercial and Non-Domestic occupant data covers 85% of English and Welsh Local Authorities. The data is updated monthly; however, refreshes will vary by local authority with some publishing monthly and others annually. We aim to have the latest version of the data available each month.

You can also uncover what the occupant is expended to pay in business rates and see the size of the location.

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